Make the World a Better Place

An economic refugee is a person who leaves his or her home country in search of better job prospects and higher living standards elsewhere. Economic refugees see little opportunity to escape poverty in their own countries and are willing to start over in a new country for the chance at a better life.

What is Economic Refugee Relief [ER²]?

Economic Refugee Relief is a new immigration program proposal, that aims to reconcile immigrant youth's search for economic opportunity, and the United States' actual immigrant intake capacities.

It would allow young adults ages 14-20 to apply for legal immigration to the US, if they come from a country with significant economic hardship.

When and how would they come to the US?

They would come to the US between the ages of 18 and 20, by a secure means of transportation. If possible, the US would pay for these expenses.

How would they qualify for this program?

They would have to show proof of pursuit of a defined career plan (within their geographical and economic means), as well evidence of personal limitations due to the economic situation of their country.

Applicants whose goals involved a specific and defined improvement of their country of origin would be prioritized.

How long would they stay?

They would claim economic asylum in the US, which would have to be renewed yearly. To renew their asylum status, they would have to show that being in the US allowed them to start achieving their goals; and the economic hardships in their country still existed.

Is there a path to citizenship?

After 5 years of uninterrupted economic asylum status, they could become eligible to pursue a path to citizenship. However, as members of this program, they would have to first show that they had reinvested in their country of origin (even on a small scale).

Why should I support the Economic Refugee Relief [ER²] policy proposal?

  • The US should continue its tradition of being a land of opportunity, for those who need it.

  • Immigrants contribute to the economic wellbeing and innovation culture of the US, allowing it to be a global superpower.

  • Through this program, the undocumented child immigration crisis could be alleviated: youth would have a legal and safe way of entering the US, and they would subsequently reinvest in their countries (lessening the need for immigration to the US).

We Can Make the World a Better Place

As a high school student living between two cultures in Italy and California, I have witnessed many refugees entering Europe from the Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, as well as the immigration along the southern border of the United States. People leaving their country of origin to make a better life for themselves or their family. In Italy, they often have to sell tissues or socks on street corners in order to get by.

From an early age, I wondered why one’s fortune is often based on where they were born. Why should you be confined to your birth country, just because you were born there? Privilege should not be based on country of origin. Because I was born in the United States, I have the opportunity to travel or move to many countries, yet someone born with a passport from another country is not afforded this privilege. My family moved to Italy when I was seven - why am I considered an ex-pat because I am from the US, when someone from Africa, Syria, or Mexico is categorized as a refugee or immigrant?

When I was a young child, I wondered why there were borders - invisible edges that can limit one from progressing. I also used to wonder why financial limitations had to exist. Why couldn’t anyone could have access to anything? Now, a high school student, I continue to believe that everyone should have the same economic opportunities to succeed and give back to society. This is why I started Economic Refugee Relief.

I hope my organization can become a global movement. Please contact me if you are interested in a similar initiative in your country. I also welcome partnerships with human rights, immigration, or refugee organizations.

1. Sign the petitions (7 seconds each) - This helps show that there is public support.

2. Send a letter to US House representatives who work on immigration (15 seconds):

3. Read and Share the Policy Recommendation (3 minutes):

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